Socean x Solana Foundation Bounty Program

scnSOL ☁️
4 min readJan 12, 2022


  • Socean Finance and Solana Foundation’s pilot Bounty Program is live for one month from January 12th 2022 to February 12th 2022
  • USD$40,000 in bounties to be earned
  • 12 bounties up for grabs

As previously announced, Socean Finance and Solana Foundation have officially partnered up to launch a Bounty Program — and it’s live!

As part of this campaign, Soceaners can earn cash bounties by completing the nominated bounties put forward by our own community. There’s USD$40,000 in bounties to be earned — so crew members, get ready to start building!

Our vision at Socean is to increase value in the world by building decentralised, positive-sum financial products, and move towards a truly decentralised world. If our vision resonates with you, this is your chance to build together with us, and earn cash at the same time!

We’re so excited for what this program will mean for Socean. We want to reward the community members that are walking together with us to build our vision.

Bounty Selection

Before we start, we’d like to thank everyone that took the time to make a submission via our Twitter, as well as through Discord.

There were a ton of great ideas put forward, and although they weren’t selected for the Bounty Program, the Socean team have taken note of them for future reference!

Bounty Program Framework


We are extremely honoured and excited to partner with the Solana Foundation to pilot this Bounty Program.

The Solana Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the decentralisation, growth and security of the Solana network. Their mandate is to help build the Solana protocol into the most censorship resistant and decentralised network in the world.

The Solana Foundation have generously agreed to match any contributions, totalling USD$20,000 to our Bounty Program, which brings the total amount that the Socean community can earn through the Bounty Program to an amazing USD$40,000!

Every bounty has a total prize allocation: more involved tasks earn more money. The complete list of bounties, together with the allocated prize pools, is at the end of this article.


To ensure eligibility, all participants must express their intention to participate via this entry form.

A Socean team member will reach out to you through your submitted contact details to discuss further details about your bounty submissions.

After this, only submissions made via the submission form on Airtable, within the time frame, will be considered. In addition, all submissions relating to our product bounty will require a GitHub link to be included in the Airtable submission.

Time frame

The Bounty Program will be run on a one month time frame, with any extensions granted on a discretionary basis.

If no extension has been approved, the bounty will have a timeline of just over a month — starting on 12 January 2021 at 09:00 EST and concluding on 12 February 2022 at 23:59 EST.

For any extensions of that timeline, please reach out to Socean in our relevant channel on our Discord. We have a dedicated channel in our Discord to discuss all things relevant to the Bounty Program — #bounty-program


The bounties selected for the Socean Bounty Program are split into the following four categories:

  1. Product
  2. Community Building
  3. Content
  4. Miscellaneous


The Socean team will judge all bounty submissions sent by participants within the agreed time-frame. While there are no definitive criteria for judging submissions, the Socean team will look mainly at

  1. Adherence to the description of the bounty
  2. Timing of submission
  3. Quality of the submission

The Socean team reserves the right to change, amend or withdraw any of these judging criteria. Any decisions made by the Socean team are final.


As previously mentioned, here is the list of all available bounties. The list can also be accessed via this link.

We’re excited to see your submissions! Let’s build a better world together 🌊

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