Socean’s new website design

scnSOL ☁️
4 min readJun 24, 2022



Our new website design is live!


Our new website design is officially live at! Users that prefer the old design can assess it at

The new website represents a new direction for Socean. We’re not content with just being a stake pool. We are going to explore ways to build upon the stake pool primitive, expand usage of stake pools, and drive liquid staking adoption in general.

Our main focus for the new design was optimising the user experience. The new design language reduces noise and clutter and makes the user flow much cleaner.

Here are some of the improvements we’ve made:

Refreshed Staking Page

DeFi strategies all in one place

Our website redesign displays all the strategies you can employ with your scnSOL all on one page! From lending to depositing in covered call vaults: once you stake your SOL, you can immediately start utilising your scnSOL with a click of a button!

Dialect notifications

We worked with our friends at Dialect to bring notifications to Socean! You can now opt into important push notifications direct to your wallet, Telegram or email. Let us know what kind of notifications you’d like to see.

Choose your RPC provider

Over the past few months, network issues have been a constant pain-point for all users. While the Solana network has greatly improved over the past week, we want to make sure our users can always process their transactions. You can now switch RPC providers if you run into network issues.

Improved unstake widget

It’s very important to us that you can safely use your scnSOL in a variety of different DeFi applications. What happened last week with the mispricing of scnSOL is something we never want to repeat. We’ve thus updated our unstake tab to have

  • the best possible price route: We’ve updated the price route for our “instant unstake” function to use Jupiter Aggregator as the main swap to get the guaranteed best price of scnSOL over all liquidity pools.
  • even clearer visual representation: Our updated design makes it even clearer to users how much SOL you will get compared to delayed unstake. Our design priority is to present the most the important data to you at once.

Improved Stake Account Management page

We’ve overhauled the stake account page, giving it its own dedicated tab on the website. You can use this page to check all of your staked accounts, view their historical performance, and move your staked SOL directly to Socean.

“My Stake Accounts” page
Stake account detail view

We’re building out potential future uses for this page.

Streams Spinoff

Keen-eyed users may notice that Streams is no longer on It now has its own page — We’re very excited to give Streams room to grow on its own. This deserves its own proper announcement — watch out for more details soon!


We want to make sure our users have the best possible experience. We welcome any suggestions or feedback on our new design: please give your thoughts at

Thank you once again for supporting us. We look forward to continue building this future with you.

